University Course

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An intensive university course for two weeks in which to get familiar with Qt programming on Maemo and the tools used for that.


Course format

  • Small teams for the projects, preferably about 3 people per team
  • Run in a SCRUM way - but this is up to the teams
  • Sprints last for about three days
  • Course mentors visit as possible and needed in the afternoons


Week 1.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning What is Maemo?

What is Qt?

Setting up continued.
Afternoon Getting the tools.

Setting up.

Week 2.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Useful links

Getting the tools

Choose either MADDE or full SDK

Qt docs

Trolltech official Qt docs.

Excellent source. Use the version recommended (4.5 or 4.6) on the course.

Getting help

  • Irc channel #maemo or
  • Maemo-developers mailing list on
  • Course mentors directly by IM