Sprints/February 09
Contents |
[edit] February 2009 Sprint planning
- Planning meeting organized in the #maemo-meeting IRC channel on Wednesday 2009/02/04 at 14:00 UTC ().
- Right after Sprints/January 09 review.
- Followed by Sprints/March 09.
[edit] Tasks
Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.
Completed | Good progress | Just standing | Some help needed! | Really stuck/delayed |
Committed | Task | Owner | % | Highlights |
2008-09-30 | Task:Reducing number of external repositories | Niels | 40% | Contacted most owners. Had a lot of positive responses, but need to gently push most of them again.. |
2008-09-30 | Task:Open Source Proof Points | Quim | 5% | Nothing done in this sprint, sigh. |
2008-11-04 | Karma for applications | Hirvinen | 0% | |
2008-11-04 | Finalise layout for | Dave & Tim | DONE | Done. Page will be laid out by Niels or Neithan. |
2008-11-04 | Task:Texts for | Quim | 20% | Drafted the "Open Source" part, but need to complete out of this sprint. |
2008-11-04 | Define what is needed to get git up on | Ferenc | 80% | Talk page up at Git for garage, Plans up at Git For Garage. 80% because discussion still takes place. But nothing stopping from moving ahead. |
2008-12-03 | Task:Implement new layout and style | Henri/Niels | 20% | |
2008-12-03 | Objective:Community localization | Quim | 10% | Objective roadmapped in Harmattan, all details need to be figured out |
2008-01-07 | Plan to redesign Downloads and add functionality | Niels | 30% | Need to pick ideas to commit to in next Sprint |
2009-02-04 | List Maemo Bugzilla custom code changes | Andre | 30% | order to port Bugzilla to a more recent codebase (long term). See bug report and diff dump for more details. |
2009-02-20 | Analyze the suitability of lintian for QA | Jeremiah | DONE | I think lintian (the debian policy enforcer) would be an excellent automated tool for maemo if it were "maemoized". |
[edit] Bugs in product Website
The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.
What follows are the bugs that need special attention/progress.
For the record:
ID | Severity | Product | Status | Resolution | Summary (7 tasks) ⇒ | Assignee |
3432 | enhancement | Website | NEW | Comments on should automatically contain version number | Aslan Venejoki | |
2179 | enhancement | Website | NEW | Visualize rating creation date and related software version | Henri Bergius | |
3911 | normal | Website | RESOLVED | FIXED | Add maemo-community for discussion karma counting | |
3177 | enhancement | Website | RESOLVED | FIXED | Add RSS feeds to community portal | Ferenc Szekely |
3178 | normal | Website | RESOLVED | FIXED | Developer documentation portal needs revision | Dave Neary |
3692 | normal | Website | RESOLVED | FIXED | Mailing lists must be re-imported | Ferenc Szekely |
1660 | enhancement | Website | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | Explicit feedback channels | Tero Kojo |
[edit] Activity log
Latest activity report goes on top.
- Thursday 2009-03-05
- Andre
- Last days: Fremantle alpha ChangeLog; setting more exact Target Milestones in Bugzilla; Scratchbox fun; normal bug business
- Today: bug 3846; sprint meeting
- Tomorrow: Holiday
- Ryan
- Last few days: Alpha SDK stuff (fixed release notes, etc), nominate self for next Council election, maemobox/ discussion, moved Qt into bugzilla.
- Today: Chairing sprint review.
- Niels
- Last few days: Worked on Fremantle Extras-devel repository issues. Disussed more Fremantle repo plans Jeremiah and people inside Nokia. Worked on website styling.
- Today: More Fremantle work and work on new styling.
- Monday 2009-03-02
- Jeremiah
- More maemian hacking
- worked a little on
- Friday 2009-02-27
- Jeremiah
- dak doc reading, code reading, IRC with dak developer
- dak wiki @ debian
- latest dak download from
- mail business
- Thursday 2009-02-26
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on website styling and a lot of little tasks.
- Today: Work on website styling. Make plans for Fremantle Extras-devel together with Jeremiah.
- Jeremiah
- dak reading, comparing to Ubuntu's Launchpad
- Reading wikis, writing to wikis
- login to
- #maemo
- Wednesday 2009-02-25
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on front page and downloads styling. Investigated a performance issue. Attended web meeting.
- Today: Work on styling. Look into summit venue.
- Jeremiah
- mail, build logs, voting issues, planet maemo
- Tuesday 20090-02-24
- Jeremiah
- Hacking on maemian, set up repo, started coding. Discussion with Niels on Jabber
- #maemo
- Monday 2009-02-23
- Jeremiah
- Learning more about lintian, signed up for debian's lintian mailinglist
- downloaded latest version of source code, set up development environment
- Niels
- Friday: Worked on frontpage and downloads styling. Did some repository related work.
- Today: Test performance issue. Work on frontpage and downloads styling.
- Andre
- Last days: How to provide a useful ChangeLog for the next release; Sort out Testzilla access/account stuff; triage older bugs; normal bug business...
- Today: Feature jar; ITT/new bugs; #3846
- Saturday 2009-02-21
- Jeremiah
- Work on #4139
- Friday 2009-02-20
- Niels
- Yesterday: A day where external factors dictated my day ;) Fix RSS feed issues, Security QA discussion. Looked into application karma. Applied various patches for midgard to fix some website bugs. Worked on new styling. Overloaded Jeremiah with info again.
- Today: Work on front page and Downloads styling.
- Jeremiah
- Spoke with people on #maemo about versions of tools in maemo sdk, they are starting to show their age according to some. (i.e. debhelper is version 5 in sdk, version 7 in lenny)
- Downloaded, timeless' package
- Reading "Maemo Packaging Policy v.023"
- Thursday 2009-02-19
- Niels
- Yesterday: Fixed a few repository and autobuilder issues. Applied some patches to the voting software. Gave Jeremiah access to repository machine and overloaded him with info :) Discussed alternative repository management tools. Worked with bergie on an account issue on
- Today: Fix feed issue for Council. Work on front page styling.
- Jeremiah
- Discussion with Kevin Hurewitz at Nokia about lintian and its suitability for and Nokia (I would like to create a git or svn repo where we can keep our version of lintian so anyone can work on it.)
- Dug up some data on creating man pages for Kevin
- Reading documentation
- Security / QA discussion this morning with bunch of folks, blogged about it
- Wednesday 2009-02-18
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on repository issues and voting software. Tested doc importing. Attended web design meeting and worked on new style.
- Today: Fix chinook builder and promoter issues (index corruption?). Work on new styling for frontpage.
- Jeremiah
- Still reading lots of docs
- Got Mer up and running in VirtualBox, still need to work on getting complete diablo 4.1.2 environment so I can go through building a package
- Set up my environment on
- Discussed dak with Niels
- Tuesday 2009-02-17
- Niels
- Yesterday: Tried to catch up on email, looked at some repository issues, worked on documentation importing. Installed voting software, upgraded servers and fired off voting mails.
- Today: Try to finish doc importing, start working on new styling again, overload Jeremiah with even more info ;)
- Jeremiah
- Slurping up more links and data from Niels
- Wiki reading / editing
- Emails, bug reporting regarding email addresses in the changelog file
- Built diablo sdk following instructions, using apophis on my debian testing chroot
- Monday 2009-02-16
- Jeremiah
- Finishing up some paperwork, i.e. NDA
- Relishing being a debmaster ;)
- Getting my development environment up and running so that I can reproduce packaging issues
- Being debriefed by Niels - lots of good info :)
- Would like to begin a long term discussion regarding security
- Niels
- Past week: Holiday
- Today: Catch up with email backlog, get Jeremiah started. Help Dave out with documentation import and voting.
- Thursday 2009-02-12
- Ryan
- Past days: Helping timeless with improved l10n, bugzilla stuff, working on pushing h-a-m improvements, debmaster stuff etc.
- Today: Try to get another highlights blog post out the door.
- Problems: Sprint reporting has gone totally down the toilet. Perhaps we need some sort of incentive. . . .
- Wednesday 2009-02-11
- Andre
- Yesterday: Normal bug business; triaging reports with version < 4.0; internal weekly report
- Today: Bug 3846 again; discuss testing in Testzilla with Karsten; triage some older reports for relaxation ;-)
- This page was last modified on 4 May 2010, at 09:51.
- This page has been accessed 54,747 times.