Sprints/November 08


November 2008 Sprint planning


Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Committed Task Owner  % Highlights
2008-08-12 Better organization of components: Sort out last unclear issues, come up with implementation plan Andre 70% Draft available at Talk:Task:Getting Nokia involved in
2008-09-02 Task:Fast Server Tero 30% Half-way there, we still need to upgrade to Ragnaroek
2008-09-02 ITT app catalog feeds Henri 0%
2008-09-30 Who and how works on the design Dave 50% IRC meeting clarified how we will work together. We now need to get it done, have more feedback & discussion, and finalise a design that we're happy with.
2008-09-30 Finalise layout for Dave 30% Proposal exists, I would like to wireframe some mock-ups. Layout will depend on the final layout of the front page, most likely. Waiting for INdT relationship & contacts to be clarified.
2008-09-30 Task:Reducing number of external repositories Niels 40% Contacted most owners. Had a lot of positive responses, but need to gently push most of them again..
2008-09-30 Define and publish first Feature Jar for the community and Nokia product managers Andre 80% See this email - second iteration based on Quim's feedback planned for first week of November
2008-09-30 Task:Open Source Proof Points Quim 5% Started preliminary discussion.
2008-11-04 Karma for applications Hirvinen 0%
2008-11-04 Finalise design & stylesheets for Dave 0%
2008-11-04 Finalise layout for Dave 0%
2008-11-04 Finalise layout for Dave 0%
2008-11-04 Task:Packaging policy proposed changes Ryan 15% Poked Eero and Marius. Eero wants a fuller list of policy updates since there's no time to push just one small update.
2008-11-04 Task:Document the Sprint procedure Ryan 10% Started Sprints a skeleton page.
2008-11-04 Task:Define voting procedure for Community Council elections Ryan 5% Started some discussion to try to attract the people who were so vocal about the system choice the last time around, but so far no luck.
2008-11-04 Task:Texts for Quim 20% Drafted the "Open Source" part.
2008-11-04 Task:Collaboration infrastructure for a single project (e.g. Application Manager) etrunko 0%
2008-11-04 Define what is needed to get git up on Tero 0%

Bugs in product Website

The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.

What follows are the bugs that need special attention/progress.

For the record:

IDPStatusSeverityVersionProductSummary (11 tasks) WebsiteComments on should automatically contain version number[1] WebsiteVisualize rating creation date and related software version[2] WebsiteAdd RSS feeds to community portal[3] WebsiteDeveloper documentation portal needs revision[4] WebsiteExplicit feedback channels WebsiteAfter logging in to Wiki, immediately not logged on next page Website"Download" links in Garage's viewcvs appears to be broken[5] WebsiteEnabling extras-devel repository breaks application installer due to an error in the Packages file WebsiteReorganizing components in Bugzilla[6] WebsiteDetaching thumbs down from karma WebsiteList Maemo Bugzilla code changes, upstream backports & customizations 
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  1. Parameter columns=id, severity, product, status, resolution, summary, to is invalid using regex /^[\w,_+-~]*$/

Activity log

Latest activity report goes on top.

Monday 2008-11-17
  • Niels
    • Friday: Prepare for ragnaroek upgrade on monday. Worked on new database server.
    • Today: Upgrading to Ragnaroek
  • Bergie
Friday 2008-11-14
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Worked on Downloads improvements, styling and testing for discussions.
    • Today: Prepare for ragnaroek upgrade on monday. See if we have not forgotten anything. Tune new database server if it gets delivered today.
  • Dave
    • Yesterday: Made some suggested edits for Task:Texts for, had a good long chat with Quim, responded to latest design drafts.
    • Today: Design draft work, propose a text for Task:Texts for, push the wireframe I did (which I'm unhappy with) for the Development page to start layout discussion
  • Bergie
    • Yesterday: Solved discussion karma issues, helped Hirvinen in his tasks
    • Today: Ensuring all is in packages that we need for Monday's upgrade
Thursday 2008-11-13
  • Dave
    • Tuesday: Summarised IRC website design meeting, hopefully we've unblocked the blockage in the website design work now. Suggest useful links for Task:Texts for
    • Yesterday: Upgraded to Intrepid Ibex Tuesday afternoon. Spent yesterday morning fixing stuff. Yeuch. Responded to design proposal from Glaubert
    • Today: Plan to help work on Task:Texts for
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Worked on website bugs and Downloads improvement.
    • Today: Continue working on website bugs and Downloads improvements.
  • Bergie
    • Today: Solving discussion karma issues
Wednesday 2008-11-12
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: deployed mediawiki and bugzilla comments karma plugins, fixed favouriting to not force to https when logged in on http. Did some fixes to products. Fixed the https login trap. Triaged website bugs.
    • Today: Work on website bugs and Downloads.
Tuesday 2008-11-11
  • Andre
    • Yesterday: Cleaning up current Default QA and assignee email address scheme a bit, Forwarding/syncing reports
    • Today: Bugzilla Reorg, Rework feature jam, Move "safe" virtual bugzilla accounts to @maemo.bugs, Create some of the new assignees as preparation for Reorg, Internal report
  • Dave
    • Yesterday: Prepared & ran IRC meeting on web design. Talked to Niels about Karma.
    • Today: Post minutes for IRC meeting for design discussion around Upgrade computer to Intrepid. It's a holiday in France today.
Monday 2008-11-10
  • Niels
    • Last days: worked on maemo services documentation, investigated promotion issues, lot's of small admin tasks done.
    • Today: Clean up admin backlog because of weekend break, work on open bugs.
Friday 2008-11-07
  • Andre
Thursday 2008-11-06
  • Dave
    • Yesterday: Took a rest day after watching US election results all night.
    • Today: Follow up with Henri about Karma blog "thumbs down" patch. Nothing else for Maemo today.
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Created irc log for the meeting and did some general maintenance tasks.
    • Today: Document server landscape for configuration guide (Sysadmins). Investigate Extras promotion problems.
Wednesday 2008-11-05