Sprints/September 09


September 2009 Sprint planning


Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Task ID Task Sprint priority Owner Percentage complete Notes
9.08-01 Get "Nokia patches" cleanly into Bugzilla .4 test install, dropping as many deltas as possible Must Ferenc 0%
9.08-04 Integrate minimae into package promotion to get infrastructure & UI in place Must Jeremiah 90%
9.08-06 Produce Maemo Summit 2009 budget v0.99 Must qgil 0% Haven't done it but the main areas are well resourced with minimum budgets committed (infra, sponsorship, merchandising and party). Planning to have the final budget ready by Sep 15.
9.08-08 Co-ordinate summit council responsibilities Must timsamoff 75% Merchandising/accomodation etc.
9.04-05 Implement new layout and style - Bugzilla Must Andre 80%
9.08-11 Document & communicate packages interface to testers Must Jaffa 0%
9.09-01 Push packaging policy updates Must X-Fade 0%
9.09-02 Run council election Must dneary 0%
9.09-03 Finalise summit community day schedule Must dneary, VDVsx, baloo 60%
9.09-04 Approve/reject all summit sponsorship requests Must Jaffa 20%
9.08-10 Draft quality guidelines for extras-testing to extras promotion Should qgil 10% Drafting at Extras-testing Quality_criteria + tmo discussion.
9.06-09 Vendor Hardware Repositories - decide on sub-tasks for next sprint Should Stskeeps 0%
9.09-05 Add source packages and repositories to packages interface Should X-Fade 0%
9.09-06 Put Maemo 5 section for Downloads online Should X-Fade 0% When first package enters Extras
9.09-07 Fremantle documentation priorities investigation Should dneary 0%
9.06-14 Plan for the OMAP2 acceleration drivers Could qgil 10% TI contact has resources ready. They are getting access to the source code from TI and maemo in order to start the work.
9.08-12 Improve reporting feed appearance on sprint page Could Ferenc 0% To liaise with Jaffa
9.04-08 ITP process/workflow around prototype Could Jeremiah 90%
9.09-08 Add extra info fields from control files to interface Could X-Fade 0%
9.09-09 Build a testing mirror of repos Could Jeremiah 0%
9.09-10 Implement SSO sync-API endpoint for garage Could danielwilms 0%


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