Sprints/December 08


[edit] December 2008 Sprint planning

[edit] Tasks

Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Committed Task Owner  % Highlights
2008-08-12 Better organization of components Andre 100% Draft implemented; fixed watchlist mail notification.
2008-09-30 Finalise layout for Dave 100% Proposal exists, with a first design mock-up from INdT. Task complete. Next step: generate HTML version, and figure out how to get it done in Midgard, as part of overall task.
2008-09-30 Task:Reducing number of external repositories Niels 40% Contacted most owners. Had a lot of positive responses, but need to gently push most of them again..
2008-09-30 Define and publish first Feature Jar for the community and Nokia product managers Andre 100% See this email; second iteration done; going to become a monthly recurring task
2008-09-30 Task:Open Source Proof Points Quim 5% Nothing done in this sprint, sigh.
2008-11-04 Karma for applications Hirvinen 0%
2008-11-04 Finalise design & stylesheets for Dave 50% First versions of html/css rolling in -- still need code cleanup, Nemein review, and sub-page work.
2008-11-04 Finalise layout for Dave & Tim 0% No-one working on this right now.
2008-11-04 Finalise layout for Dave & Tim 100% Complete.
2008-11-04 Task:Texts for Quim 20% Drafted the "Open Source" part, but need to complete out of this sprint.
2008-11-04 Define what is needed to get git up on Tero 80% Talk page up at Git for garage, Plans up at Git For Garage. 80% because discussion still takes place. But nothing stopping from moving ahead.
2008-12-03 Task:Implement new layout and style Henri/Niels 5%
2008-12-03 Review the Maemo contribution guidelines Quim 100% Went through several rounds, official blessing to be given in the following weeks.
2008-12-03 Objective:Community localization Quim 10% Objective roadmapped in Harmattan, all details need to be figured out

[edit] Bugs in product Website

The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.

What follows are the bugs that need special attention/progress.

For the record:

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (11 tasks) Assignee WebsiteNEWComments on should automatically contain version numberAslan Venejoki WebsiteNEWVisualize rating creation date and related software versionHenri Bergius WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDAdd RSS feeds to community portalFerenc Szekely WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDDeveloper documentation portal needs revisionDave Neary WebsiteRESOLVEDWONTFIXExplicit feedback channelsTero Kojo WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDAfter logging in to Wiki, immediately not logged on next pageNiels Breet WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXED"Download" links in Garage's viewcvs appears to be brokenFerenc Szekely WebsiteRESOLVEDINVALIDEnabling extras-devel repository breaks application installer due to an error in the Packages fileMarcell Lengyel WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDReorganizing components in BugzillaAndre Klapper WebsiteVERIFIEDFIXEDDetaching thumbs down from karmaPatrik Hirvinen WebsiteNEWList Maemo Bugzilla code changes, upstream backports & customizationsunassigned

[edit] Activity log

Latest activity report goes on top.

Wednesday 2009-01-07
  • Andre:
    • Yesterday: Get through older mail; triage some older reports; struggle again with Fremantle pre-alpha SDK on Fedora; fail; install on a fresh Ubuntu machine; quick look at bug 3846; internal report
    • Today: Trying to get an overview for bug 3846; reproduce some core issues in Fremantle; meeting tonight
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Fixed wiki login/account creation link, worked on Extras stats.
    • Today: Work on Extras stats, look at some website issues, prepare for meeting tonight.
Tuesday 2009-01-06
  • Dave
    • Yesterday: Collected status reports & updates from Tim, Andre, Glaubert. Fixed bug #3903
    • Today: Follow up with Henri, and co-ordinate status reports from everyone. Get back to Andre clarifying what needs doing on his end for the HTML/CSS.
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Looked at repository issues, planned sprint meeting. Website bug checking and fixing.
    • Today: Add support for 2009 stats for Extras. Look at stats improvements.
Monday 2009-01-05
  • Dave
    • Three weeks ago: Visited Gran Canaria for the GNOME Foundation - GUADEC organisation
    • Two weeks ago: Follow up on website redesign progress. Clarified what Nemein expects from INdT. Clarified what remaining design work we need done by INdT.
    • Last week: Christmas holidays
    • Today: Catch up with holiday email. Follow up on web design progress with Glaubert, Andre, Tim, Henri. Get next actions and waiting-ons from everyone.
  • Niels
    • Friday: Fixed mailing issues again. Fixed problems in feeds for downloads and added paging to all blocks in /downloads/.
    • Today: Plan next Sprint meeting, work on repository issues.
Friday 2009-01-02
  • Niels
    • (Happy New Year!)
    • Last days: Fixed mailing issues. Documentation configuration. Tested RC versions of midgard on internal test machine. Misc small issues.
    • Today: Look at open bugs.
Tuesday 2008-12-30
  • Andre
    • Yesterday: Mostly bugmail; updated bugs_and_features.html (bug 3971)
    • Today: Continue triage new bugs; internal report; play with queries for yearly stats
Monday 2008-12-22
  • Andre
    • Thursday: Feature jar
    • Today: Mostly triage the new bugs; go through lots of bugmail
  • Niels
    • Today: Look at documentation issues. Push layouts for other pages.
Thursday 2008-12-18
  • Andre
    • Yesterday: Update Bugzilla for SSU update; fix all "QA contact" mail settings in Bugzilla
    • Today: Feature jar
    • Tomorrow: off
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Setup vhost for testing and developing the new styling. Test SSU and look for issues. Troubleshoot some server issues.
    • Today: Go through bugs, check out some garage issues. Work on styling.
    • Problem: It is getting lonely in here. Where is everybody?
Wednesday 2008-12-17
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: performance/regression tests for new ragnaroek release on internal machine, bug fixes to our settings/styles, a lot of little things.
    • Today: Setup vhost for testing and developing the new styling.
Tuesday 2008-12-16
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: preparations for styling update, investigated some autobuilder issues.
    • Today: performance/regression tests for new ragnaroek release on internal machine, a lot of little things.
Monday 2008-12-15
  • Niels
    • Last days: Worked on FAQ for Extras, preparations for styling update, investigated some autobuilder issues.
    • Today: More preparations for styling update, performance/regression tests for new ragnaroek release on internal machine.
Thursday 2008-12-11
  • Ryan
    • Last few days: Generally dealing with the Fremantle pre-alpha SDK drop, helping a bit redirecting Mer.
    • Today: Finally blog about external repositories, push the Mer meeting for Sunday.
    • Problems: Not done with finals yet, but oh so tantalizingly close. . . .
Tuesday 2008-12-09
  • Andre
    • Saturday: Implemented Bugzilla Reorg
    • Yesterday: Off
    • Today: Work on outstanding Reorg issues, work on Feature Jar, blog, internal weekly report
Monday 2008-12-08
  • Niels
    • Friday: Lots of small issues.
    • Today: Work on TODO list for the technical implementation of new maemo2009 style.
Friday 2008-12-05
  • Ryan
    • Today: Bugging the Maemo Integration people about using an address, more debmaster discussion.
    • Yesterday: debmaster discussion, we're narrowing down the list a bit.
    • Problems: Can't seem to get past writing a title for a blog post about Task:Reducing number of external repositories.
Thursday 2008-12-04
  • Niels
    • Last few days: Fixed wiki logins, lots of random fixes to website.
    • Today: Catch up with my backlog.
  • Bergie
    • Today: Removing legacy code from GForge user import
    • Yesterday: Sprint meeting, some bug management