Contents |
Sprint 5 planning
- Planning meeting organized in the #maemo-meeting IRC channel on Tuesday 2008/09/02 at 19:00 UTC.
- Right after 100Days/Sprint4 review.
- This sprint was reviewed on 2008-09-30 and is followed by Maemo.org Sprints/October 08.
Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.
Completed | Good progress | Just standing | Some help needed! | Really stuck/delayed |
Committed | Task | Owner | % | Highlights |
2008-06-10 | Better extras categories and debtags | Niels | 50% | Proposal drafted in wiki page, need to discuss on maemo-developers. (No progress will be made by me in Sprint4, need help!) |
2008-07-22 | Task:Using garage.maemo.org | Ferenc | 0% | |
2008-08-12 | Better organization of bugs.maemo.org components | Andre | 30% | Work on better organization of components in some products to fit better the scope of the corresponding Nokia developer teams, see bug 3562 - still drawing the big picture and trying to link all components between Maemo Bugzilla and internal bug tracker and its affiliated development teams. Hopefully done for Sprint5. |
2008-08-12 | Work on Bugzilla weekly summary functionality | Karsten | 25% | Progressing... Slowly. |
2008-08-12 | Several Bugzilla enhancements | Karsten | 90% | See bug 1417, bug 3350, bug 3577 and some minor issues. Guided submission form pending, needs cleanup first. |
2008-08-13 | Plan for Task:Brainstorming new features | Oskari | 0% | Specification needs to be added to wiki. |
2008-08-13 | Task:Community Council | Dave | DONE | Election kicked off, announced. All that's left is to stimulate debate, and declare winners. |
2008-09-02 | Task:Fast Server | Marcell | 0% | |
2008-09-02 | Task:Maemo_contributions to open source projects | Quim | 50% | Core projects identified |
2008-09-02 | Task:Maemo_public_roadmapping_process | Quim | 0% | I don't expect to have time to go through this in the current sprint. fwiw Fremantle roadmap to be shared, see "Announce the Fremantle plans and libraries changes" task below |
2008-09-02 | Document explaining the open source positioning and strategy of Nokia in Maemo | Quim | DONE | Material ready, will be presented on Saturday |
2008-09-02 | Explanation of the reasons why the closed source packages are closed | Quim | 50% | Working on draft of reasons |
2008-09-02 | Task:ITt_Collaboration | Henri | 10% | Started discussing the karma plugin Reggie |
2008-09-02 | High plan forTask:Improving maemo.org | Dave | 20% | IRC meeting on maemo.org clarified goals, and we've been collecting design proposals since. The roles of maemo.nokia.com, Forum Nokia and maemo.org need to be clarified, we need to decide on a final design for the front page and move on to content reorganisation. Need to move forward with the community section and propose something for the developer section. Should get designers involved early. |
2008-09-02 | Summit program defined | Quim | DONE | Remaining details to be healed themelves |
2008-09-02 | Maemo merchandising ready | Jussi | DONE | Merchandising landed in OSiM & Summit venues |
2008-09-02 | Marketing & coverage | Quim | DONE | Whatever was done, was done already |
2008-09-02 | Summit social events | Who? | DONE | Whatever was done, was done already |
2008-09-02 | Announce the Fremantle plans and libraries changes | Quim | DONE | Delivered through the week, a summary is still needed though |
Bugs in product Website
The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.
What follows are the bugs that need special attention/progress.
For the record:
no bugzilla tickets were found
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
- Parameter columns=id, priority, severity, modified, product, status, summary, to is invalid using regex /^[\w,_+-~]*$/
Activity log
Latest activity report goes on top.
- Tuesday 2008-09-30
- Andre
- Today: triage Browser bugs, discuss about 4.1.1 vs 4.1.2 mess (bug 3747), triage new bugs, sync/forward bugs, verifying reports fixed for SSU2, internal report, Sprint meeting
- Yesterday: triaged Browser bugs, add Target Milestones and Versions for 4.2008.36-5, syncing Target Milestones (4.1.2 vs 4.1+) to provide basic ChangeLog functionality
- Dave
- Yesterday: Worked on a mock-up for the front page that I'm not quite happy with, attended maemo.org meeting on Saturday (and sent notes from summit)
- Today: Refine my mock-up based on other ideas from people, and start working with Tim on getting his community pages ready to deploy. Contact Marcelo to see if he can propose a layout for the community page which uses Tim's work
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on Task:Reducing_number_of_external_repositories, testing of new servers
- Today: Work more on Task:Reducing_number_of_external_repositories, prepare for meeting.
- Quim
- Yesterday: maemo.org homepage mockup
- Today: Publish reasons why closed. Prepare my proposed tasks and bugs for today's sprint planning meeting.
- Monday 2008-09-29
- Andre
- Today: triage Browser bugs, add Target Milestones and Versions for 4.2008.36-5 in Bugzilla
- Last day: clean up "System software/General" in Maemo Bugzilla, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components), mailer bugs, Maemo meeting on Saturday
- Niels
- Friday & weekend: Worked on extras, attended improving maemo.org meeting
- Today: Try to get some external repositories closed which have the same packages as extras or are almost similar. Contact council to help me on this. Do some testing and tuning on new servers.
- Quim
- Friday & weekend: Reasons why the closed source packages almost ready to go. Participation in Improving maemo.org meeting + first dirty mockup on paper.
- Today: Hopefully publish reasons why closed + maemo.org homepage mockup.
- Friday 2008-09-26
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked a bit on the external repositories task and some general maintenance work.
- Today: Work on external repositories task and Extras tasks.
- Dave
- Yesterday: Started to get back in the rhythm, cleared most of backlog from Berlin (still need to write up notes from maemo.org discussions).
- Today: I'm giving a lecture this afternoon on starting a company, and need to prepare some material. I don't anticipate getting much done on Maemo today, outside writing up my notes.
- Quim
- Yesterday: Full day meeting. Not much related to my tasks here.
- Today: drafting Explanation of the reasons why the closed source packages are closed.
- Thursday 2008-09-25
- Andre
- Today: triage/sync (new) bugs, go through applet bugs in Bugzilla Desktop component and if required, compare with/move to corresponding Applications' components (e.g. Clock, Contacts etc - Seems to be confusing to reporters).
- Tuesday: clean up "System software/General" in Maemo Bugzilla, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components), internal report
- Dave
- Today: Get back in the habit of Sprint summaries. Publish slides & notes from Maemo summit website session, blog IRC meeting, short day with Anne doing her exams & me dropping off & picking up the kids.
- Earlier this week: Follow up contacts from OSiM World and Maemo Summit, paperwork, lost a day trying to fix performance issues in my computer
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on new servers, blogged about external repositories, worked on status script for external repositories, moved downloads stats to new servers.
- Today: Work on external repositories task and Extras tasks.
- Quim
- Yesterday: drafting Explanation of the reasons why the closed source packages are closed.
- Today: drafting Explanation of the reasons why the closed source packages are closed.
- Tuesday 2008-09-23
- Andre
- Yesterday: syncing a lot of reports, triage the new reports, setting up scratchbox environment on my laptop
- Today: clean up "System software/General" in Maemo Bugzilla, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components), internal report
- Niels
- Yesterday: Lot of emails processed, accounts created, user help etc.
- Today: Work on Extras/autobuilder related issues and help with maemo.org move.
- Quim
- Last days: Had an amazing time at OSiM and Maemo Summit.
- Today: Landing at office, not much real perfomrance expected.
- Monday 2008-09-22
- Niels
- Last week: Had an amazing time at OSiM and Maemo Summit.
- Today: Wade through huge amount of email and do a lot of small tasks I have neglected while in Berlin. Try to make concrete plans out of the discussions I have had the last few days.
- Tuesday 2008-09-16
- Karsten
- More bugzilla. Finished another few patches, hacks and custom tweaks. Working with community members on interoperability with an #maemo IRC bot.
- Fixed Quim in this log. ;) No shirt.
- Quim
- Friday and Monday: Got Fremantle plans announcement to final draft + 101 last minute Summit little details. Got my maemo.org alternative shirt for Friday night. :)
- Today: Info for Summit speakers, blog post OSiM & Summit + flight to Berlin.
- Monday 2008-09-15
- Karsten
- Today: Same. Plus, need to blog.
- Last days: Continued bugzilla hacking. Got the hang of branding policies, still not a lawyer, though. Fixed some issues, some good lizard wrangling left. Need more root passwords. ;)
- Ryan
- Today: Finish my part of the Summit presentation, bug Niels about a few issues with the blog, propose first community issue for the council, bring Eduardo up to speed.
- Weekend: First blog announcement, council chair selection finished (me), began campaign to harass council members. ;)
- Andre
- Today: Triage new bugs, mail, retriage Desktop > User Interface bugs.
- Friday 2008-09-12
- Ryan
- Yesterday: Council votes in, many thanks to everybody involved and congratulations to my fellow members!
- Today: Kick off the new council blog (thanks, Niels!), look into getting the basic organization structures set up for the council, maybe pick up the first community issue to help with that.
- Dave
- Yesterday: Paperwork :( Announced election results. Congratulations & good luck to new community council.
- Today: Publish a first rough draft of a plan for maemo.org - not pretty, but a start.
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on new servers, brought over a backup of the live system for testing. Worked on plan for Extras and summit
- Today: Work on Extras plan and more summit preparation. Setup council pages.
- Quim
- Wednesday & Thursday: Fremantle plans announcement. Completed draft document explaining the open source positioning and strategy of Nokia in Maemo.
- Today: Start completing Fremantle plans announcement.
- Thursday 2008-09-11
- Andre
- Yesterday: Hack on Greasemonkey script to save time forwarding/syncing reports, sync
- Today: Hack on Greasemonkey script to save time forwarding/syncing reports, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components), forward some bugs
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on the new server cluster, prepared for summit.
- Today: More work on new cluster, work on plans for Extras, summit preparations.
- Wednesday 2008-09-10
- Dave
- Yesterday: Started working on maemo.org revamp planning.
- Today: Carry on. I want to get something in draft form into the wiki today.
- Tuesday 2008-09-09
- Andre
- Yesterday: Triaged new bugs, triaged all remaining RESOLVED LATER bugs, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components)
- Today: Mostly syncing/forwarding stuff and getting through old mail, internal report
- Niels
- Yesterday: Tried to catch up on mail and urgent matters. Helped out autobuilder users who were waiting for me to fix things. Updated download statics.
- Today: Add log of sprint meeting to maemo-meeting page. More catching up on email. Prepare talk for OSiM.
- Dave
- Yesterday: Handle a couple more election issues, GNOME release notes.
- Today: Web-site: categorise areas where work needs doing, identify resources definitely available, start working on breaking down tasks to manageable chunks
- Quim
- Yesterday: Fremantle plans announcement.
- Today: Fremantle plans announcement. Document explaining the open source positioning and strategy of Nokia in Maemo.
- Monday 2008-09-08
- Dave
- End of last week: get election running, announce it on mailing lists, issue ballots, break web app & fix it. Tried to defuse Darius issue, didn't have a positive effect.
- Today: Re-issue some voting tokens. Start working on proposal for website revamp. Also work on GNOME Mobile release notes (on my own time).
- Andre
- Friday: Triaged new bugs/syncing/forwarding
- Today: Triaged new bugs, triage RESOLVED LATER bugs, Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org (reorganizing components)
- Bergie
- Today: Ran some voter counts for Dave, wrote workaround for Quim's broken RSS feed.
- Quim
- Friday: Details on Summit schedule. Fremantle plans announcement.
- Today: Fremantle plans announcement.
- Niels
- Today: Try to catch up on email and urgent matters after holiday.
- Friday 2008-09-05
- Bergie
- Yesterday: Fixed Dave's broken voting commit, ran some voter counts
- Today: Started ITT Karma API discussion with Reggie, fixed lost comments from application catalogue
- Quim
- Yesterday: Working on Fremantle plans announcement. Sorted out lightning sessions in Summit schedule and contacted Eric for final review.
- Today: Close Summit schedule. Fremantle plans announcement
- Thursday 2008-09-04
- Quim
- Yesterday: 100Days/Sprint5 page updated. Mail. OSiM related: invoices and ad.
- Today: Planning OSiM DevSesh. Summit schedule.
- Wednesday 2008-09-03
- Rambo
- Yesterday: Sprint5 meeting, explanatory and status mails about new servers
- Today: Testing LB monitoring URL with new servers, set up to answer with IP as hostname as well
- Bergie
- Yesterday: Working on some Medium bugs, Sprint5 meeting
- Today: Help Dave get elections running, getin in contact with Reggie from ITT
- Quim
- Yesterday: Scanned pending email in maemo.org lists. More email. Facilitated Sprint5 planning meeting. Minor tasks for OSiM organization: logos, bios, invoices.
- Today: Update the 100Days/Sprint5 page reflecting agreements in the planning meeting. Organize my (many) committed tasks for this sprint. More mail.
- This page was last modified on 4 May 2010, at 09:40.
- This page has been accessed 130,244 times.